productive weeks in my life

PRODUCTIVE week in my life ๐Ÿ–‡๏ธ grwm w/ aelfriceden, last weeks, compsci student life :P

NYC VLOG ๐Ÿก a productive week in my life in nyc

a productive week in my life ๐Ÿ“ | new books, studying, errands, & workouts

a productive week in my life! ๐Ÿ’Œgetting back on track, deep cleaning, new books, errands & cooking!

FUN & PRODUCTIVE WEEK IN MY LIFE: studying, shopping, daily routine, finding balance, + more!

STUDY VLOG | productive week in my life: studying for midterms & pulling all-nighters ๐Ÿงƒ

LIFE IN NEW YORK | a cozy and productive week in my life, fall activities in nyc

PRODUCTIVE DAYS IN MY LIFE | healthy girl summer!!!

a week in my life ๐Ÿงƒ // productive but realistic days in college & finding balance

productive days in my life ๐Ÿ““ living alone, self care sunday, cafe studying & baking

5AM PRODUCTIVE DAY IN MY LIFE | tips on motivation & discipline

productive fall uni days in my life๐Ÿ‚

PRODUCTIVE DAY IN MY LIFE | how i stay productive as a college student!

productive vlog | week in my life, catching up on lectures, in-person class, turning 19, reading

a week in my life at uni: 6am mornings, productive days, study vlog

STUDY VLOG | VERY productive finals week in my life | lots of studying, finals week vlog & more

A Very Busy & Productive Week in my Life (med school VLOG)

productive week in my life living in LA alone at 18 *healthy lifestyle*

vlog: re-entering my wellness era, healthy and productive week in my life

a productive week in my life living in NYC alone as a 19 y/o

I stay productive 98% of every day - Here's how

WEBTOON VLOG: productive week in my life as a youtuber and webtoon creator

productive week getting my life together ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒค having fun by myself, concert, new camera, living alone

productive days in the life of a mcgill student